Saturday, October 27, 2012


 I don't think I had ever really thought about the right to eat, the right to clean water, the right to adequate health care nor the write to learn until I actually left the states and initially arrived in Colombia and now in El Salvador. People in neither place do not take the basic rights I stated above for granted.

Our world is connected today and we can read what is happening in Asia, Africa, South America, North America by a click of a mouse. We know that children are being deprived of the basic human rights Right Now. Human beings are valuable. They are made in God's image. They are His creation. Yet great injustices are happening. Children are going hungry and live in situations where they cannot grow and play like many ways of a 'normal' child. Some children are forced into prostitution, gangs, crime and others have no access to adequate healthcare and clean water because of factors outside their control.

God cares about these children who aren't receiving Mercy and Justice in their lives. He cares about their physical suffering and He cares deeply for their spiritual suffering. He wants to use us to serve a world that is in need of knowing Him....body and soul.

As a follower of Christ, I am thankful to be part of Being Him to the world.... that looks different for each of us but it is possible. No person is off limits to bringing God's Mercy and Justice to the world.

A number given so this child may receive lunch that we as group were preparing
A quick line formed for those with their 'numbered cards'

'Cards' ran out..these boys are hoping we have left over food

Portion of the path that lead to fresh clean water

             After a 50 minute walk TO the natural fresh spring water     



Oncology floor of El Salvador's Children's Hospital
Children at one of the schools

First day of a new soccer program started in a gang community. Children's first time ever experiencing an organized sport      

Just a look at some of the housing in El Salvador


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Permanent Mark on My Heart

A world of poverty unlike I have ever seen before. All the basic needs that have been met in my life take on a new meaning.
This journey is being so much more than I ever bargained for and so grateful to have been given the opportunity.
This is an experience that is leaving a permanent mark on my heart. I can't help but think of how Gods people, the people of El Salvador, are full of hope when things seem so hopeless. They are full of Love and Grace, even when faced with adversity.
How often have I found myself praying for safety? For smooth travels or for quick healing? I can’t even count how many times I’ve heard people pray for good health, or for protection. Myself so included.
Is this really what I should be praying for?
What if my prayers became more about wanting to know God in every situation, and less about seeking personal safety? How many people in the Bible lived in safety? How many had good health? Not many! Instead we see wars, lion’s dens, and crosses on the pages of Scripture. Shouldn’t this be a wake-up call to me?
What if I spent my prayer time asking God to take me into the most dangerous, and the deepest, darkest places to bring light in His name? What if my desire to obey Him overshadowed any desire to “play it safe” in my own life...whether physically, financially or emotionally? What if I asked Him to use every painful moment in my life to give me a platform to share His Gospel with the world? I do know I have ask Him to do this. What if I answered the call to suffering with joy because I know that will bring Him glory?
“Fearing” God. This word “fear” in reference to God has the idea of living and walking in an understanding of the bigness, the greatness, the holiness of God. When I fear God I have a deep, life-changing respect for who He is that trumps anything this world could throw at me. I found this following quote by the writer Oswald Chambers:

“The remarkable thing about God is when your fear God, you fear nothing else, whereas if you don’t fear God, you fear everything else.”

When I am walking with the living God, the Great and Holy God, then the things of the earth don’t matter the way they used to. But if I am spending my life trying to figure out how to “stay safe” then I are missing out on the freedom that comes from knowing God. Obviously, God wants me to make wise choices and I am not called to be idiot, and He does want me to bring my requests to Him, BUT I am also called to dangerous places. I am called to the urban cities, the rough neighborhoods, to foreign lands to make His name known. It will cost me.... It may even hurt me...but it is worth it.
What if every prayer for protection became a prayer for courage? What if every prayer for safety became a prayer for faith to go farther, and do more for the cause of Jesus?

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Onto El Salvador

"And  when they realized that the Lord had seen their misery and was deeply concerned for them, they all bowed their heads and worshiped." Exodus 4:31

Today, more so than ever, I am aware of the hurt and suffering in the world. The scripture above says God sees, that He in fact saw and saw it all. Saw not just "misery in the world" but Their misery. Saw the unrighteousness done to them. Saw the unrighteousness they did to others......and.......what? Judged? Condemned? No, "was deeply concerned for them." "God is willing that none should perish, but that all should come to repentance."

Whatever is your misery right now God sees it. He doesn't just see it, He cares. He doesn't just care, He is deeply concerned. His heart breaks on behalf of those He loves. He died for each of us. He loves us all. These aren't just words, they are the truth and they are the life. If a heart is opened to these truths you will be amazed.

So, here I am now in Soyapango, El Salvador. I arrived Oct 4th and when I stepped outside of the airport the heat was overwhelmingly HOT! Let's just say to an extreme HOT!!! I am growing to love this small suburb of San Salvador that is 17km (10 miles) radius and approximately 1/2 million people.

I have gotten settled into my "home" while I am here until Dec 1st. I will be starting some new opportunities to minister this week and I am super excited! My first week here I helped, I guess you can call it that, in two different locations where English classes are taught. While the time with the kids was great my soul yearned for a different ministry while I am here. Like always God never fails and new doors have been opened!

This week I will start working with Barbara Rowe, she is a Christ for City International (CFCI) missionary. Barbara is heading up The Faro Project which is establishing youth centers in San Salvador where pre-teens and teens can gather together in a safe environment, where they can learn vocational skills, get help with homework, and enjoy healthy and fun activities. Most importantly they can learn about God. Many of these kids are challenged by poverty, broken homes, and a sense of hopelessness for their future. The word, "Faro" in Spanish means "beacon" or "light," and these centers are beacons in the inner city that can guide the young people toward a more hopeful and productive life.

Yesterday (Saturday) I went up in the mountain area known as Jicalapa. Argentina, a small village, is within next blog will be totally dedicated to my Jicalapa trip. I have always heard and seen poverty in the states, different places I have traveled and here in El Salvador but I can honestly say this was my first time ever in the presence with people living in "this" kind extreme poverty. 

Sileo School Kids
                                                   Altavista English Students